-----Original Message----- From: HW Analysts of the Web Date: Friday, April 17, 1998 7:22 PM Subject: Your HW Report #19980417.172240.27466 > >Greetings! > >Here's a review copy of the Special Handwriting Reading you > entered for yourself via http://WWW.HWA.ORG/SelfEval.shtml > > You reported that your signature tends to be about the same size >compared to the rest of your writing, slant tends to be slightly >to the right, and has a signature slope usually downward a bit. >Examining the signature and printed name as separate entities, >you said your printed name is pretty much like your signature. > > > Then in the main handwriting section, you indicate that the roundness >/ sharpness of your hand is usually extremely rounded... lots of >loopies, general slant is just barely to the right, and slope is >pretty straight, or flat. > > >Using the above information, then, we'd say: > You like to keep life in perspective and have a fairly >straightforward way of viewing yourself and others. >To you, Life is neither a stage nor a tragedy play! >You may have a tendency to be a bit depressed along >about now. Anything going on? You can take it or leave >it when party invitation time comes around. That is, >some you will take, and others you will kindly decline. >You appreciate people who tell things like they are, >and you think this about yourself, as well. > > > Lone Rangers often keep a bit of distance between >themselves and others. Do you ever hear people define >You as a Lone Ranger? Or is it that you're more of >what some might define as "a creative force of the next >generation!" Either way, you don't mind straying from >that straight and narrow path, shall we say, so you get >good marks for originality! Ever notice how tears can >well up inside of you when you didn't even expect them? >And how you can feel someone else's emotions whenever they >enter the room? A lot of people probably don't understand >that about you, but I don't need to tell YOU that, do I? >You've known it all your life! The term Good Little Girl / >Good Little Boy springs to mind because you tend to not >like to go too much against the grain of society where >rules of engagement are involved. But sometimes these >things run deep, and there's a tension of resentment >not too much further below the surface. Okay... We'll >lighten up on that and change the subject before getting >too personal. > > >Applicable Astrogical Reportings: > Next to certain you'd have Pisces as a Sun Sign or Rising. >(Or you're stuck somewhere in your teenage emotions, >and THINKING you're a Pisces!) But that's just a guess. >Certainly, anyway, you've got Pisces or Cancer quite >prominently swimming around on your chart! Lots of >water here. (Where do you think those tears of yours >come from!?) > > >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > >And so, does this sound anything like the You >you know? Admittedly this can't be wholly personal since it's >done as a program on the web here, but how does it compare to >the person you THINK you put out there of yourself? We'd be >very interested to hear your impressions of things. > >And if you decide you'd like to send in your handwriting for a >professional analysis which will returned to you shortly, then >we'd be delighted to help you: Visit the Web Site, at > > http://WWW.HWA.ORG/HWSample.shtml > >for further information about sending us your sample, or for >other aspects and interests on the subject of handwriting >analysis. We always welcome your feedback. And we thank you for >giving our SelfEval site a whirl! > > > Best Wishes to you, > > > Jerral & the Elves of HWA-at-HWAORG