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Jerral Sapienza  •  Handwriting Expert
The Hand Behind The Word: Handwriting Analysis JAQS* Style

Why would I be such an advocate for Handwriting Analyst? Perhaps because I love it; it's always spoken to me, and it's something I love to help others learn more about.

Since I was very young (as in seven years old) I have been fascinated by what handwriting can tell us about each other and about our lives. What began in elementary school for me in second grade as an awareness of a parallel nature of subtle changes in my teacher's behavior and her handwriting, has grown over the years into a full-fledged study of Handwriting and its story. That also meant collection of tens of thousands of samples from people from all around the world, and full integration of handwriting analysis techniques and uses into my personal and professional lives.

Because I had started my professional life in the world of accounting and audit during the time I was putting myself through college, I was surrounded by digits and strings of numbers in handwriting.

Yet, the "conventional wisdom" of handwriting analysis didn't deal with numbers. So over the course of these years, I developed a unique system of handwriting analysis called the JAQS System of sampling and explicating handwriting, making extensive use of both digits and text in the hand... something very different than any other handwriting analyst was doing.

The *JAQS Style (" Just A Quick Sample") was something I developed in the mid-1970's and have continued to refine and teach over the last twenty-five years as a primary sample format for quick yet effective sampling in a minimum of space and time. Out of this seemingly tiny sample can come a whole host of information about the writer, his or her background, and personality. Quite fascinating.

You can read a bit about the nature of the sample format, by visiting our main Handwriting Interest Web Site over at HWA.ORG (the original handwriting site on the web). Check out the page outlining the Sample format, at:


and once you've written up a sample in the prescribed format there, you can also use it to get a quick Personalized Free Handwriting Reading from an excerpted Expert System I wrote called "SelfEval".

In addition to working as a Handwriting Analyst, you'll find that I also wear hats quite interchangably as Poet, Writer. Lecturer Archivist and Curator and IT Systems Engineer.

    My professional studies began in the mid 1970's in the fields of Engineering Physics, Computer and Electrical Engineering, and Science Education. Feeling a call to studies and experience outside the sciences, however, my career took a significant turn into Education and Counseling where some of the other sides of learning and thought could round out the highly technical of my studies to that point. Fascinated by learning in diverse fields, and earning a teaching degree in 1980, I balanced a career teaching writing, foreign language, and computers for several years before splitting off full-time into my own businesses in the mid-80's, with some volunteer Hospice work on the side.

    The Technical aspects of the Lifelong Learning Excellence, Inc., (which owns and operates LLX.COM, Bardo.ORG, HWA.ORG and several other popular web entities), don't require much of me anymore; they run pretty autonomously. So this leaves me freed up more to work in other interest areas, such as working with psychologists, counselors and corporate HR departments with Handwriting Analysis & Death Issues in their work, to traveling, touring and writing.

Who knows? You may see me as a presentor on your next cruise line or at your next conference. I do like to use that time to continue my research with people from all around the world, while traveling and writing along the way.

For more information about my presentation or lecturing availability, feel free to be in touch.


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