42. I / Increase
above Sun
below Chên
CONCEPT: Penetrating, Flexibility
QUALITIES: Yielding, Gentle, Indecisive, Weak, Fragrant, Neat, Obedient, Restless, Excitable, Bland, Mild, Wood, Wind, Close, Pursuit of Gain, Flexible, Pliancy
FAMILY: Eldest Daughter
SEASON: Late Spring, Early SummerLOWER TRIGRAM: Chên
CONCEPT: Thunder, Exciting, Power
QUALITIES: Thunder, Movement, Active, Moving, Arousing, Excited, Diligent, Angry, Nervous, Threatening, Anxious, Successful, Flying, Shocking, Motion, Growth, Vehemence, Forceful
FAMILY: Eldest Son
I indicates that in the state which it denotes there will be advantage in every movement which shall be undertaken, that it will be advantageous even to cross the great stream.THE LINES
The first line, undivided, shows that it will be advantageous for its subject in his position to make a great movement. If it be greatly fortunate, no blame will be imputed to him.
The second line, divided, shows parties adding to the stores of its subject ten pairs of tortoise shell whose oracles cannot be opposed. Let him persevere in being firm and correct, and there will be good fortune. Let the King, having the virtues thus distinguished, employ them in presenting his offerings to God, and there will be good fortune.
The third line, divided, shows increase given to its subject by means of what is evil, so that he shall be led to good, and be without blame. Let him be sincere and pursue the path of the Mean, so shall he secure the recognition of the ruler, like an officer who announces himself to his prince by the symbol of his rank.
The fourth line, divided, shows its subject pursuing the due course. His advice to his prince is followed. He can with advantage be relied on in such a movement as that of removing the capital.
The fifth line, undivided, shows its subject with sincere heart seeking to benefit all below. There need be no question about it; the result will be good fortune. All below will with sincere heart acknowledge his goodness.
In the sixth line, undivided, we see one to whose increase no will contribute, while many will seek to assail him. He observes no regular rule in the ordering of his heart. There will be evil. KING WAN'S EXPLANATION OF THE HEXAGRAM
In I we see the upper trigram diminished, and the lower added to. The satisfaction of the people in consequence of this is without limit. What descends from above reaches to all below, so great and brilliant is the course of its operation.That there will be advantage in every movement which shall be undertaken appears from the central and correct positions of the second and fifth lines, and the general blessing the dispensing of which they imply.
I is made up of the trigrams expressive of movement and docility, through which there is daily advancement to an unlimited extent. We have also in it heaven dispensing and earth producing, leading to an increase without restriction of place. Everything in the method of this increase proceeds according to the requirements of the time.
The trigram representing wind and that for thunder form I. The superior man, inaccordance with this, when he sees what is good, moves towards it; and when he see his errors, he turns from them.If the movement be greatly fortunate, no blame will be imputed to him: though it is not for one in so low a position to have to do with great affairs.
Parties add to his stores: they come from beyond his immediate circle to do so.
Increase is given by means of what is evil and difficult: as he has in himself the qualities called forth.
His advice to his prince is followed: his only object in it being the increase of the general good.
The ruler with sincere heart seeks to benefit all below: there need be no question about the result. All below with sincere heart acknowledge his goodness: he gets what he desires on a great scale.
To his increase none will contribute: this expresses but half the result. Many will seek to assail him: they will come from beyond his immediate circle to do so.