by Jerral Sapienza
"What are Runes?" you ask?
The exact methods of interpreting the Runes is lost, though you will find many contemporary texts offering their flavor and I suppose it goes without saying that if we can read tea leaves or frenology (bumps on the head) then there's probably some room for subjective conjecture when putting together interpretations for the Runes. The text of the interpretations used here in my Web Oracle version of the Runes is my own, based loosely on some other Runes texts such as that set which includes book and Runes objects which were actually photographed to make this site: The Book of Runes by Ralph H Blum. If you were using traditional rune stones, then you'd reach into your Runes Bag, and draw out three runes, laying them before you in a typical Right to Left spread... Ready to continue now?
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