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here at HWA.ORG.

by Jerral Sapienza
The Oracle of the Runes is based on interpretations of three of a series of ancient alphabetic token stones as messengers from Within. It's an interesting way to aid you in thinking differently about your life and surroundings, and begin to ask some useful probing questions.
To try it out, enter into the box below a phrase or question referring to some Open Ended View or idea you've been pondering and about which you'd like a little reflection. Then press to see your Runes response. Don't just ask a yes/no question, but leave it a bit more "open" than that... such as:
  • What is the nature of my relationship right now with _____?
  • I'd like some reflection just now on how I spend money.
  • I'm thinking of moving to _____. How might this affect my life?
  • I'm concerned just now about _______. What is the nature of its relationship to my path, my life?

  • You'll be presented then with 3 runes from the 41 available.
    (That's 25 "uppright" and 16 "reversed" since 9 runes don't have "reversed",
    being indentical right-side-up or upside-down.)
    Version to display:
    Single Rune
    Traditional 3 Across
    Expanded 3 Vertical View
    You can choose to display them either Side-by-Side in the Traditional View (in which case you'll need to click on each rune for its interpretation unless you know them by sight); or you may choose to see them displayed in an expanded view one above the other, with the interpretations shown.

    Runes is another of the "prophecy engines" written by Jerral Sapienza, Curator of HWA.ORG to aid in applying some of the subconscious methods of reflection into our daily lives. Although quite different from the SelfEval, Tarot, and Numerology oracles, it allows another view of yourself and others, adding to the other Prophecy Engines here.
    This Prophecy Engine is Copyright 2001 by
    Jerral Sapienza and WWW.HWA.ORG and

    Have questions? Feel free to be in touch and we'll see if we can't get them answered for you! Thanks for your interest in things, and best wishes to you!

    --Jerral and the Elves of hwa.org.

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