A. D. D. & Handwriting Analysis:
A Special Research Project
Attention Deficit (/ Hyperactivity) Disorder

Have you, or has anyone you know been diagnosed with 'ADD' / 'ADHD'?
We are currently conducting a special series of research & investigation
specifically pertaining to Attention Deficit Disorder, its diagnosis &
medication, and potential reportability through handwriting of affected
If you would like to contribute a sample to the study, then by all means, please contribute a
basic sample to us via our standard means. Plus, if at all
possible, we'd love to see as representative a sample set as possible from the following
stages of treatment & diagnosis (as appropriate):
- [Age & Handwriting Sample of ADD/ADHD individual at these stages:]
- Prior to Diagnosis
- After Diagnosis, before any medication
- During period when medicated -- when on meds
- During period when medicated -- when not on meds
- After Medication was terminated (if applicable)
- As there is some research evidence of the bio-chemical nature of the
disorder, and its possibile linkage to heredity, HW Samples from other
family members could be most helpful. Handwriting Samples from parents
would be of special interest, if at all possible, but a sample from
any other diagnosed or undiagnosed family members is welcome. Please indicate
family relationship between subjects whose samples are submitted.
- Confidentiality is assured: Study will neither post nor make available
any identifying information on any of the study's participants.
Do you have any
questions or comments about this study? We'd love to hear from you!
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