Preparing A HW Sample for HWA.ORG The Original Web Handwriting Site
So you want to know what folks might be seeing in that Handwriting?
Okay. A quick note, by the way:
If you are planning on sending in someone else's handwriting for
review, please get their permission first. It's a matter of ethics.
And, we want to see YOUR handwriting with anything you send in for
someone else, too, as a reference point. Price for third-party
sample review is $75, not $50.
Handwriting Analysis
W W W . H W A . O R G
Lifelong Learning Excellence, Inc. (LLX)
(address removed... ) CALL for more details: 541.343-1202
Now: A More Detailed Explanation of the Overview of what we
Please don't use pencil or an ink which smears or degrades (felt-tip
pens, transparency pens, or Sharpies (tm) do not make good samples because
they all bleed and degrade over time.)
When you've selected that perfect pen, take a plain white 'standard-sized'
piece of paper (standard US or A4 either one.) Fold it in half both
directions, so that you have a miniature of the original, but one fourth
the size. Then, what seems strange to some people: We'll use just one
quarter of the page to do the full 5 parts of the sample! If you'd like
to see an image of what this kind
of sample looks like, feel free to review this sample of a page.
Jot down somewhere on one of the panels of the page (not considered part
of the sample) your EMail address WRITTEN
LEGIBLY!!! so that we may respond to you, and give us a brief
introduction of the writer's characteristics: your Handedness / Age / Sex
/ Profession. We don't need great detail.
Something like:
"LH F 40's retired Bus Driver"
"RH / M / 53 / Management Consultant"
"RH / F / 32 / Post-bac student, Journalism"
"LH / M / 26 / house husband"
is okay . . .
Different professions, ages, and sexes write differently, and some
professions use handwriting more than others, which affects evaluation of
some aspects of the hand. It is not critical to the sample that we know
this information. Some readers & examiners prefer to know absolutely
NOTHING about a client, just for the sake of not having the 'interference'
with anything.) Do as you like.
Now, for the actual sample... what we DO need, then: these five main parts
of the sample, preferably on the same panel of your page:
( in INK only, please! ) 1) 4 rows of digits
( as in PRECISELY: All the Ten Digits, four times
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
2) then, your signature. (your name as you sign it)
3) then, your name, =printed= (as you would normally print)
4) then, a paragraph of your choice... or just fill
up the rest of the tiny page anyway... paragraph, couple of sentences,
whatever it takes. Use whatever your normal 'hand' is... printing, mixed,
cursive... your choice. Whatever feels most like you. Try to write
something spontaneous and original, and not just something you're copying
from here or some other source.
Perhaps you have a question you'd like to ask about your handwriting, or
want to say something about how you found the site, or whatever...
If you can't think of anything, then tell us about how your mind is
blank or cluttered or full of anticipation or whatever... but write to
communicate something spontaneously, not just writing trying to expound or
impress us! You may be interested to know that a HW analyst typically
isn't even READING what you're writing, but is just looking at the
patterns of movement in your hand... like reading between the letters. So
don't bother trying to wax eloquent... It might be wasted! :-)
By the way... You're welcome to draw pictures or doodle on the
remainder of the page if you like; we do get quite a few doodles and
sketches, and that is also a valid form of sampling, though we prefer to
get it WITH a sample rather than as a substitute for one! :-) Some
people just can't stand the idea of NOT using a part of the sample page...
no problem; fill it up with whatever you like.
5) And lastly, the Date.
Reviewing here:
In INK; on a QUARTER FOLDED UNLINED SHEET; the 5 main parts:
[ & incidental addenda ]
[ Handedness/Sex/Age/Profession ]
1) Four rows of digits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
2) Your Signature
3) Your Name, printed
4) Paragraph... spontaneous writing segment of your choice
(with doodles and sketches if you wish)
Don't forget that your EMAIL ADDRESS needs to be clear, readable,
correct and present! Though you may think this obvious, we often
do receive letters without usable email addresses, for whatever reason.
And if we do not have an email address, or have one we cannot read, it may
be a while before you hear from us!... Psychic though some of us may
our crystal ball doesn't always have everyone's
address in it! ;-)
[One note on the folding & mailing of a sample...]
You don't need to worry about leaving it in quartersheet folded state when
you send it. Go ahead and fold it in whatever way (typically thirds) to
make it comfortably fit in the envelope. Otherwise, unless you actually
use an envelope designed for quarterfolded paper, we have the glue of the
flap actually trying to stick to the sample itself... not a pretty sight
when we have to tear the sample to get it out of the envelope. Go ahead &
refold the sample to make it comfortable in its envelope, eh?!
When you've completed the sample: 6) Just Send it
to us!
This is a very different kind of sample than many analysts would ask you
for, but every analyst develops his or her own system of preferences over
the years, and this sample is the sample we've been using for many, many
We're interested in helping you learn more about handwriting analysis and
gradually feeling more comfortable developing your own system if you're
interested in learning more about such a fascinating tool. Thanks for
visiting our site, and we hope to hear from you soon!