The Original Web Handwriting Site
So you want to know what folks might be seeing in that Handwriting? Okay. A quick note, by the way: If you are planning on sending in someone else's handwriting for review, please get their permission first. It's a matter of ethics. And, we want to see YOUR handwriting with anything you send in for someone else, too, as a reference point. Price for third-party sample review is $75, not $50. Here's the preferred format we'd like to see your sample written in: in two presentations... Quick & Detailed: (If you'd like to print out a reminder sheet to take with you as to what we need, Print out this Reminder Sheet.)
A Quick Overview of what we need for samples sent in:
Then somewhere on the sample we need also to have
Choose your item on the left below, and adjust price in the box on right: =$
Now: A More Detailed Explanation of the Overview of what we need: Please don't use pencil or an ink which smears or degrades (felt-tip pens, transparency pens, or Sharpies (tm) do not make good samples because they all bleed and degrade over time.) When you've selected that perfect pen, take a plain white 'standard-sized' piece of paper (standard US or A4 either one.) Fold it in half both directions, so that you have a miniature of the original, but one fourth the size. Then, what seems strange to some people: We'll use just one quarter of the page to do the full 5 parts of the sample! If you'd like to see an image of what this kind of sample looks like, feel free to review this sample of a page.
Or here are a few others, too: [but with identifying segments
"RH / M / 53 / Management Consultant" "RH / F / 32 / Post-bac student, Journalism" "LH / M / 26 / house husband" Different professions, ages, and sexes write differently, and some professions use handwriting more than others, which affects evaluation of some aspects of the hand. It is not critical to the sample that we know this information. Some readers & examiners prefer to know absolutely NOTHING about a client, just for the sake of not having the 'interference' with anything.) Do as you like.
Now, for the actual sample... what we DO need, then: these five main parts
of the sample, preferably on the same panel of your page:
( in INK only, please! ) 2) then, your signature. (your name as you sign it) 3) then, your name, =printed= (as you would normally print) 4) then, a paragraph of your choice... or just fill up the rest of the tiny page anyway... paragraph, couple of sentences, whatever it takes. Use whatever your normal 'hand' is... printing, mixed, cursive... your choice. Whatever feels most like you. Try to write something spontaneous and original, and not just something you're copying from here or some other source. Perhaps you have a question you'd like to ask about your handwriting, or want to say something about how you found the site, or whatever... If you can't think of anything, then tell us about how your mind is blank or cluttered or full of anticipation or whatever... but write to communicate something spontaneously, not just writing trying to expound or impress us! You may be interested to know that a HW analyst typically isn't even READING what you're writing, but is just looking at the patterns of movement in your hand... like reading between the letters. So don't bother trying to wax eloquent... It might be wasted! :-) By the way... You're welcome to draw pictures or doodle on the remainder of the page if you like; we do get quite a few doodles and sketches, and that is also a valid form of sampling, though we prefer to get it WITH a sample rather than as a substitute for one! :-) Some people just can't stand the idea of NOT using a part of the sample page... no problem; fill it up with whatever you like. 5) And lastly, the Date.
Reviewing here:
| 96052201 | 96052501 | 96052704 | 96052708 | 96060401 | 96060702 | 96062102 | 96062402 | 96071001 | 96072201 | 96121601 | 97011602 | 97101401 | Actual size is approx 4.25" x 5.5" (11cm x 14cm.)
Don't forget that your EMAIL ADDRESS needs to be clear, readable,
correct and present!
[One note on the folding & mailing of a sample...]
When you've completed the sample:
This is a very different kind of sample than many analysts would ask you for, but every analyst develops his or her own system of preferences over the years, and this sample is the sample we've been using for many, many years. We're interested in helping you learn more about handwriting analysis and gradually feeling more comfortable developing your own system if you're interested in learning more about such a fascinating tool. Thanks for visiting our site, and we hope to hear from you soon! How to send Your Sample: